3 Huge Customer Service Tips

Nationwide InboundBy Tara Rahe, Nationwide Inbound

Customers have become much savvier over the years. They feel that if you aren’t going to at least meet their basic expectations, your competitor will.

A recent Right Now study was conducted and discovered these three ways businesses are falling short on customer expectations.

1. The company was unavailable

58% of consumers stated that they were less than satisfied because the company did not answer the phone or respond to their email right away.

It is pretty simple to make sure you don’t fall into this statistic. Make sure that someone is answering your phones and emails 24/7. If you want to be a step in front of you competition, then set a goal for your business to answer the phone (or have your phone answered by a 24/7 call center) within three rings and respond to all emails within two hours.

Even if you are unable to answer the customer’s question or solve their problem instantly at least they know it is being handled. You never want your customers to think they have “fallen through the cracks”.

2. The company showed no sense of urgency

56% of customers said they found that companies were slow to resolve issues.

This study shows that over half of the time customers feel that businesses just don’t care. Their perception is that their issue is not as important for the business to handle right away or in a reasonable amount time. If your customer feels this way about your company they will probably go to your competition and explain why they are unhappy. If your competition is smart they will make sure they never allow the client to feel this way again.

Take a moment to look at your business through your customers’ eyes. Would you still do business with yourself? Would you feel important?

Of course there are things that cannot be solved overnight but always make sure your clients understand they haven’t been forgotten.

3. The staff didn’t have a clue

57% of customers stated that they felt like they knew more about the company and its products than the customer service agent who was working with them. Most of us have probably experienced this at least once and I’m sure we remember how frustrating it was.

It is very important your teams know everything about your company and the products and service you offer. Teach them the history of the company – who founded it, when, where, and how it has grown. Keep them up to date on all your products and services.

Your team needs constant training and reminders. As your products or services change make sure they are aware right away. Help them understand the importance of your products and what they do for your customers. This will help when your customers call and also help your team feel like a bigger part of the company. Keep your team involved!!


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