BSH Recognizes Service Excellence

Recognition & Celebration BSH Customer Service was honored and pleased to award our top authorized service partners for their high performance standards at the annual USA-ASTI (United Servicers Association – Annual Service Training Institute, ASTI) convention in San Diego, California. The award selection process was competitive and based on data collected for each service visit…

Safe Driving, There’s an APP for That

By Catie Bloom, AAA Appliance Service Center, Parkridge, IL I thought this might be helpful to members:  These are apps that you can load onto tech devices to prevent them from using devices while operating a vehicle.  With the new laws that are in effect here in Illinois and many other states these might be…

New Board Members Appointed

At the United Servicers 22nd Annual Service Training Institute (ASTI) held in San Diego CA last month outgoing President Lance Kimball thanked his team and USA’s industry partners for the tremendous growth in United Servicers Association’s Membership to 1450 members as he passed the control of the organization to the incoming President James Dolbeare of…

Samsung Amazing Race

At the 2014 ASTI held this month in San Diego attendees had the opportunity to compete for the fastest time to replace the door boot on a Samsung washer. The prizes were a 51 inch Samsung TV and a Samsung tablet. The contest was the center of the action and much fun was had by…