If Appliance Manufacturers Only Knew

Tanner Andrews, Andy’s Applaince Repair It amazes me that Appliance Manufacturers and their leadership teams have failed to partner with their authorized service companies to promote new product sales.  Consumers are better educated, more skeptical and have access to more information than ever before.  They know sales people are going to lead them to whatever…

To Service or Not To Service:

A Puzzling Question For The Self Servicing Appliance Dealer By USA Member Don Harris There has been a lot of discussion lately on the USA (United Servicers Association) website on the merits of being a Self Servicing Appliance Dealer whereby you provide warranty service for a manufacturer only on the products you sell versus being…

Controlling Your Parts Investment

You could be considered one of my best customers. You frequently place orders and often visit our stores to spend even more money buying parts. The problem is, I know you are buying parts that you don’t have to, and I want to help. A successful appliance repair company needs very few things to operate….