It May Not Be Your Fault but, it is Your Problem

by John Tschohl Companies may not be able to prevent all problems but they can learn to recover from them. A good recovery can turn angry, frustrated customers into loyal ones. It can, in fact, create more goodwill than if things had gone smoothly in the first place. Opportunities for service recovery are numerous. If…

Taking The Sting Out Of Criticism

by John Tschohl Giving positive feedback is always easy, but what about those times when an employee is not performing and you need to give negative feedback? That can be a different story, especially for those who do not like confrontation. Managers need to be careful when dishing out negative feedback, and need to make…

If OSHA Comes Knocking, Are You Ready to Answer?

By: Toni Guinn, with contributions from Jerome D. Moss. We would like to take a moment and share with all of you some key factors you need to be aware of and the importance of implementing them into your everyday procedures in order to protect your employees, yourself and your company.   First and foremost,…