Information Overload

By Eric Zehr, Victor Appliance I read an article awhile back about how we only use a small percentage of our brains on a daily basis. I have heard     this before and try to use mine more than the average person. This particular article, however, explained that for the first time in history we are…

A Word or Two About ChatUSA

By James Dolbeare, AAA Appliance Service Center I am consistently struck by the fantastic camaraderie and helpfulness of a wonderful United Servicers Association benefit, ChatUSA, an Internet chat room hosted by USA for USA members. Experienced professionals instantly assist one another in an exchange of emails, and as a consequence, ultimately help the consumer. Just…

Next Peer Group Starting

PEER GROUPS We’ve made it a big part of our USA mission to connect and form ‘Peer Groups’ – small communities of servicers from non-competing markets who work together on improving their respective businesses.  Each group has it’s own rules and personality.  We connect them, but the end result comes from the collaboration of the…

Automating Communications Between Office and Customer

By Glade Ross, RossWare Computing Everyone these days is attempting to do more, but with a fixed quantum of time.   It’s not just you and personnel in your office.  Your customers too are juggling many balls at once, and telephone calls are often inefficient.  They simultaneously tie up two people, who must come together —…