The Importance of Online Reviews

By Paul Mac Donald, USA Executive Director We’ve all been there: You need to find a restaurant in a part of town you haven’t explored before. Where do you start? Google, of course, which may lead you to Yelp or another online review site. You’ll probably search for the type of food you’re considering, read…

The Talent Acquisition War

By Daniel Beaulé, Service 2000 Électroménager Are you fed up being unable to find proper staff? To see them leaving you right after you invested time and effort training them? Feeling like you always repeat yourself, or dealing with pay raise requests from dissatisfied staff? And what if it were all your fault? Great leaders…

Why Do Appliance Techs Need to Know Ohm’s Law?

By Samurai Appliance Repair Man, Understanding Ohm’s Law and circuits is one of the foundational skills for being a technician. In fact, if someone doesn’t know this stuff, they’re not really a technician— they’re just a parts changer. What’s the difference? Technicians understand how circuits and appliance systems work so they can use the…