NLA is No Longer Acceptable

CoreCentric Solutions would like to thank the United Servicers Association staff for all their hard work preparing for and during the 2016 ASTI in Miami and congratulate them on having the best attended event in the history of the ASTI. It is always great getting together to renew old friendships and meet people that will…

2016 Most Professional Servicer Contest Winners

Congratulations to  2016 MPS Contest Winners… Each year the United Servicers Association holds a contest for the most professional appearance and presentation of their company in several business size categories. Judged by a panel of industry leaders and consumers, the top 2 finalists complete head to head at the annual ASTI convention. The winners are…

ASTI 2016 – A Mind Blowing Event!

By Dean Landers, Landers Appliance Have you ever had your mind blown? Think of a time when you were so totally blown away with the info you were receiving and how it could positively and dramatically impact your business and/or personal life? his year’s Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI) 2016 was just another of the…