Let Your Phone System Work For You…..

Those of you that attended Adam Butcher’s packed Cutting Edge Technology class at the ATSI Convention know that business phone systems were a hot topic. Last year based on my recommendation and his research Adam installed a new VOIP phone system from Vocalocity in his business. Folsom Lake Appliance has been using this same phone system…

Okay, I’ll admit it, I was wrong…

I thought a trade show/conference for the appliance repair industry would be a waste of my time. Having just returned from the ASTI National Convention in San Antonio, I have to admit that I couldn’t have been more wrong. I took a bunch of business classes and a couple technical classes. While I learned quite…

Dina Dwyer-Owens Named Honorary Chairwoman of USA’s New Women’s Group, W.I.S.E.

The newly formed Women in Service Excellence’s committee announced Dina Dwyer-Owens as its honorary chair for 2012 at last months Appliance Service Technical Institute in San Antonio, TX. USA’s Treasurer, Krystle Freelove, along with USA member Catie Bloom, developed the committee to network with and promote female members of the appliance trade on all levels….

2012 ASTI Attendance Up 25%

United Servicers Association (USA) held their 20th consecutive annual convention, the Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI), February 15-18 at the El Tropicano Hotel in San Antonio, TX.  The ASTI is the industry’s premier appliance service management and technical training event attended by independent appliance service companies and their trade partners. The five-day event attracted over…