Most Prof Servicer Contest 2016

It’s back, will you be the best of USA? Enter your business into the Most Professional Servicer Contest today! Based on professional impressions entries will be rated by a panel of 5 judges, and awarded points from 1-5 in the following 4 areas: 1) Professional presentation including technician uniform 2) Service vehicle and 3) On-line…

Good Vibrations

USA’s Regional Service training Program teaches everything but attitude. By Paul Mac Donald, USA Executive Director On a recent Air Canada flight from Toronto to Vancouver, I had an interesting exchange with the In-Charge Flight Attendant, a young man named Kirk Horsman. I was complimenting him on the excellent service he and his team were…

Effective Leadership vs. Management

by John Tschohl, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, it’s all about growing others.” – Jack Welch Everyone who has a job has a boss/manager, but does everyonehave a leader? I never hear people complain about leaders, but every day someone somewhere complains about…

Looking for Techs?

By George Nicholson, Co-Founder of Vet2Tech Let Vet2Tech help you recruit qualified veteran candidates for service technician positions with your company. Vet2Tech recruits veteran candidates who have, at minimum, the following credentials: A Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or civilian work experience in an electrical or  mechanical trade Ability to read and interpret electrical schematics and…