Who’s Your Team?

By Brigham Dickinson, http://www.powersellingpros.com It’s the middle of March, and you know what that means –March Madness! The time of year when the whole country stands behind the team they think will win it all. During the tournament, it’s always fun to watch for the underdogs. Who will be the team this year to take…

Help Your Kitchen Go Green this Earth Day

Sustain Your Life, Sustain Your Appliances Celebrate Earth Day by making an effort to live a green lifestyle and grow some green in your pocket, too. This month, make an effort to break old habits and take a step away from energy-waste to energy-smart. “By maintaining your appliances regularly, you can extend the life of…

Don’t Get Tripped Up by a Trip Charge

By Charlie Greer, Contracting Business How do you determine a flat rate for your trip charge? I say it should be $19, $29, $39, $49, $59, $69, $79 or $89. What kind of an answer is that? What about your breakeven-point, your overhead, your direct cost and your market statistics? Unlike the rest of your…

Reinvent the Wheel?

Most say we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but I disagree. Are you, as an appliance servicer, making a conscious effort to reinvent your business?  If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.  If you’re not moving forward, you’re falling back.  These are two popular sayings that we hear all the time.  What are…

We’re a community

A mistake we often make when thinking about business is seeing the other players in our industry only as competition. While it is true that business is competitive, and at times we work against each other to win customers, it is also valuable to consider the industry as a community. Communities are formed based on…