Who’s Your Team?

By Brigham Dickinson, www.powersellingpros.com

Team Player - AttitudeIt’s the middle of March, and you know what that means –March Madness! The time of year when the whole country stands behind the team they think will win it all. During the tournament, it’s always fun to watch for the underdogs. Who will be the team this year to take down some of the big-name teams?

It’s fun to see how these smaller, underdog teams come together to beat teams no one thought they would beat. And when the underdogs win, it’s usually not because one person carried the team, it’s typically because one person stepped in, made a big difference and inspired their team to play better. The same phenomenon can happen in your customer service department as well.

You know what it’s like when one person who’s in a great mood comes in to work and, just through their simple joviality, inspires the entire team to perform better that day? It’s amazing how much the emotions you display can help or hurt others around you.

Your emotions influence people just like ripples in water. You’ve seen what happens when you drop a stone in a calm pool of water. The rings caused by the rock spread out in circles until they reach the shore or disappear. But those rings influence the water all around them; just like your emotions influence people all around you.

In order to be the best CSR you can be, go into work each day with an attitude that it’s going to be a great day. Treat the customers you speak with using your great attitude. If you are happy and upbeat with them, they’ll feel more confident working with you and you’ll book more appointments. Use that positive attitude with your co-workers and they too will catch on, feel more confident and book more calls. Who would have thought that something as simple as having a good attitude could have such a big impact in your ability to book more calls? But it does.

Positive attitude precedes positive outcome.  Just like players playing in the NCAA tournament have the ability to inspire and rally their team to a win, you too have the ability to lead your team to more booked calls

Try it out. Go into work tomorrow with a happy, positive attitude. Look for ways to share your attitude with co-workers and customers. Serve your customers you’re your co-workers in unexpected ways without expectation of recompense. Then, at the end of the day, look how many calls you booked. You will see a difference, I promise.

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