Two USA Members Accepted into SBA Emerging Leaders Program

By Manny Ortega, Ortega’s Appliance Service Today

E200 LogoThe U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) launched its 2013 Emerging Leaders executive-level training initiative, formerly known as e200, in 27 cities and communities across the country.  Since 2008 the initiative has trained more than 1,300 promising small business owners in underserved communities, and continues to expand its impact helping small businesses grow and create jobs.

Exciting news!  Two USA members, Jeff Dar in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Bob Wennerstrom in Bayfield, Colorado have been accepted into the program.  The opportunity for anyone to join this great program and others is available to many.  I recommend to anyone wanting to improve the way they run their business to look for educational programs in their area; many are free.

Bob Wennerstrom from Bayfield, Colorado made the commitment to travel over an hour each way to attend class.  Congratulations to both.

The seven-month executive leader curriculum includes approximately 100 hours of classroom time per participant.   The SBA Emerging Leaders (e200) Initiative is a federal training initiative that specifically focuses on executives of businesses poised for growth in historically challenged communities. The initiative provides these executives with the organizational framework, resource network, and motivation required to build sustainable businesses and promote the economic development within urban communities.

For more information about Emerging Leaders, or to contact the respective local SBA District office in your area go to

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