Let Your Phone System Work For You…..

Those of you that attended Adam Butcher’s packed Cutting Edge Technology class at the ATSI Convention know that business phone systems were a hot topic. Last year based on my recommendation and his research Adam installed a new VOIP phone system from Vocalocity in his business. Folsom Lake Appliance has been using this same phone system for the past 31/2 years and we can’t say enough positive things about it. VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. In other words, VoIP is a phone system that works over your high-speed Internet connection. When you dial a number on your VoIP phone the call is sent over the Internet instead of the wires running out of your building. 5 years ago, Folsom Lake Appliance, was suffering from growing pains. We started our business with with two technicians and just two phone lines, supplied by our local phone company. As business grew our phones began ringing more and we hired more technicians. We had to add more phone lines but our phone equipment only allowed 2, so we bought a 4-line phone system. We quickly outgrew the 4-line phone equipment and decided we really needed to find a solution that was going to work now and in the future. While researching several phone systems I found Vocalocity. We haven’t looked back or been happier!

We ported all our existing phone numbers to our new Vocalocity account. Now we can record every incoming and/or outgoing phone call to better train our office personnel and refer back to a conversation if there are any issues. Recording has limited a lot of personal phone usage made by our staff increasing their productivity. We can pull reports that show phone calls that last less than a minute to check why appointments weren’t booked. I can also take my VOIP phone across country, and as long as I have a high-speed connection I’m in business and no one knows I’m out of the office. Instead of spending hours deciphering phone bills to see how many calls I got from particular phone number my Vocalocity phone system now reports this for me.

If you’re pondering switching to a new VOIP phone system, I say make the switch! The features of this phone system are amazing. I haven’t even begun to list every feature or benefit Vocalocity has provided but we love it. Changing phone systems is a scary process and I recommend Vocalocity to anyone who is shopping for a new phone system. If you’d like more information about our experience switching phone systems               contact me via LinkedIn, Facebook, or email at Krystle@FolsomLakeAppliance.com.

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