How to Find and Train Technicians

By Paul Mac Donald, USA Executive Director It’s a critical question in most industries today: how do you find skilled and well-trained employees? The unemployment rate continues to fall as the demand for talented individuals rises. In the appliance repair business it’s an especially important issue, as technology evolves and becomes more complex, the demand…

USA Regional Service Training Institute (RSTI) WOWS Attendees

Below is an excerpt from an attendee review at the recent RSTI in Chicago, IL Attendee: Jim Carlisle, JC Appliance, Arlington Heights, IL I’m at the second day of the Chicago RSTI meeting and the surprise of the day is that my tuition to the meeting included a Membership which will enable me to access…

STOP! Leaving Money on the Table

By Daniel Beaule, Service 2000 Wouldn’t it be nice to have a few hundred to thousands of dollars just by making small changes in your organization that could have a big impact? What if your customers were waiting to give this extra money to you with a smile? In the book “The Small BIG: small…

8 Tips to Prepare Your Fleet for Winter

By Drew Sheahan, An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Anyone in the service industry knows that idiom is as true today as when Benjamin Franklin wrote it. How many times have you seen a disaster at a customer’s house that could have been avoided if they performed a little…

Personal Umbrella Insurance

Dean Landers, Landers Appliance Everyone seems to have resigned themselves to the fact that our society has become “sue first and ask questions later”. How utterly sad and disappointing! How did we get to this place and what affect will this have on us as a society? How will we, as business owners protect ourselves…

When It Comes to Safety, Attitude is Everything!

By State Auto Insurance Group, Most people — including your employees — know how to act responsibly, for their own safety. They follow the rules, attend safety meetings, and besides … accidents happen to someone else, not to them, right? Wrong! Accidents affect everyone — the injured person, the injured person’s family, friends, neighbors,…

The Importance of Online Reviews

By Paul Mac Donald, USA Executive Director We’ve all been there: You need to find a restaurant in a part of town you haven’t explored before. Where do you start? Google, of course, which may lead you to Yelp or another online review site. You’ll probably search for the type of food you’re considering, read…

The Talent Acquisition War

By Daniel Beaulé, Service 2000 Électroménager Are you fed up being unable to find proper staff? To see them leaving you right after you invested time and effort training them? Feeling like you always repeat yourself, or dealing with pay raise requests from dissatisfied staff? And what if it were all your fault? Great leaders…

Most Prof Servicer Contest 2016

It’s back, will you be the best of USA? Enter your business into the Most Professional Servicer Contest today! Based on professional impressions entries will be rated by a panel of 5 judges, and awarded points from 1-5 in the following 4 areas: 1) Professional presentation including technician uniform 2) Service vehicle and 3) On-line…

Effective Leadership vs. Management

by John Tschohl, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, it’s all about growing others.” – Jack Welch Everyone who has a job has a boss/manager, but does everyonehave a leader? I never hear people complain about leaders, but every day someone somewhere complains about…