Vet2Tech Connects 73 Veterans with Field Service Technician Opportunities in July and August


Vet2techIn the months of July and August, Vet2Tech helped 73 veterans connect with field service technician opportunities nationwide. While Vet2Tech has helped 284 veterans thus far in 2015, the momentum continues to build month-by-month and they need your help to do much more.

While the primary mission of Vet2Tech is connecting veterans who possess mechanical and electrical skill sets with field service technician careers in the residential appliance industry, commercial food equipment industry, and HVAC/R industries, they also connect veterans with career opportunities in manufacturing.

With a growing database of more than 1,100 employer partners nationwide, Vet2Tech has the ability to positively impact the lives of veterans in every community across the United States.

Vet2Tech is honored to have served our country’s veterans over the past three years and look forward to assisting many more as they continue their mission of helping all military veterans find gainful employment.

Here are THREE ways you can help Vet2Tech make a difference for our veterans:

  1. Make a contribution
    Vet2Tech is 100% funded by donations from employers and private individuals. Your generous contribution will help Vet2Tech bring visibility of career opportunities in the residential appliance repair industry to veterans and connect them with those opportunities nationwide. Click here for the mailing address:
  2. Become a hiring company
    If your company is interested in hiring veterans with mechanical or electrical backgrounds, simply register your company in the Vet2Tech employer database at the following link:  
  3. Tell a veteran about Vet2Tech
    If you know a veteran with a mechanical or electrical background who is searching for an employment opportunity, encourage them to send their resume to:

Here is a testimonial from a veteran hired through Vet2Tech on July 27, 2015

“I was looking for a new career opportunity that would build on the technical skills I learned in the military. I also wanted to find a career that was service oriented. I received an email from my AW2 sponsor about the Vet2Tech program. I was skeptical because many programs say they want to help veterans, but few really do. I went to the Vet2Tech website to get more information and I liked what I saw. My wife encouraged me to send my resume to Vet2Tech. I figured nothing would come of it…boy, was I WRONG!!! I promptly received a phone call from George at Vet2Tech. He worked with me to update my resume and told me he would get my resume out to hiring companies that same day. I was still skeptical, but had nothing to lose at this point. Within a day I had job interviews scheduled with four companies. Two days later I was offered a position as a field service technician that included on-the-job-training, which I really liked. I accepted the position and look forward to starting my new career. From the time I sent my resume to Vet2Tech to the time I was hired was only three days. Thank you Vet2Tech for what you do for Veterans.”

Michael S M
U.S. Army
Colorado Springs, CO 



If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Vet2Tech via email at:


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