USA Regional Service Training Institute (RSTI) WOWS Attendees

Below is an excerpt from an attendee review at the recent RSTI in Chicago, IL

RSTI_VerticalAttendee: Jim Carlisle, JC Appliance, Arlington Heights, IL

I’m at the second day of the Chicago RSTI meeting and the surprise of the day is that my tuition to the meeting included a Membership which will enable me to access the technical information we were shown yesterday! 

As usual, this session is very interesting and includes badly-needed information as well as the opportunity to talk to fellow technicians about common problems. 

I look forward to enjoying this next year with the added information I have gained attending these classes.

Don’t miss your opportunity for this amazing training opportunity. Attend a RSTI or Institute of Service Management (ISM). For registration information go to the USA website:

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  1. Jim, as the owner of Level 2 Learning, I am very happy to hear you found the Samsung training helpful. Being part of USA is invaluable. They do a great job with RSTI and ASTI and all resources they manage. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

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