Most Prof Servicer Contest 2016

Toolhero_art2 It’s back, will you be the best of USA?

Enter your business into the Most Professional Servicer Contest today! Based on professional impressions entries will be rated by a panel of 5 judges, and awarded points from 1-5 in the following 4 areas: 1) Professional presentation including technician uniform 2) Service vehicle and 3) On-line Presence 4) Company Logo. The top two highest scoring companies of each category will be displayed as semi-finalists at the Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI) in Miami FL, February 15th through February 18th, 2016. ASTI attendees will vote for one semi-finalist in each category. The entry with the most peer votes in each category will be crowned United Servicers Association’s Most Professional Servicer of 2016 at the United Servicers Awards Banquet on Thursday, February 18th, 2016. The 1st place winner of each category will receive $500 and one entry to ASTI 2017. 2nd place winner of each category will win $250 and one entry into RSTI 2016.

Contest Rules:
This contest is only open to domestic appliance repair companies with service businesses operating in North America. Contestants do not have to be members of United Servicers Association or be present at the ASTI to win. By entering in the contest you agree to allow United Servicers Association to use your images and all submitted materials in its marketing efforts. Only one entry into one category per Service Company accepted.
1) Company with 1-2 technicians
2) Company with 3-5 technicians
3) Company with 6-10 technicians
4) Company with 11 or more technicians

To Enter:
To enter the contest submit the following pictures to a) technician(s) in uniform, b) service vehicle(s), c) image(s) of website and/or social media presence such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, or a blog, and d) company logo. Lack of images or information in a, b, c, or d will result in penalty points per scoring category. Good Luck!

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