USA Offers Discounts on Appliance Blue Books and GLEEPS! Training DVDs

bb-logo GLEEPS! logoUnited Servicers Association is always looking for ways to partner with companies that can provide useful products as well as savings for our members. We have long partnered with Service Company Solutions, LLC (SCS) for just this reason. Members receive a $30 discount on printed Appliance Blue Books and, GLEEPS! Training DVDs. The Blue Book is also available as an on-line tool. See the Blue Book link on the USA web site. Here are some brief summaries of the benefits of using these products.

The Original Blue Book Major Appliance Job Rate Guide – Are you charging professional Pricing? The Appliance Blue Book assures you are charging the appropriate pricing for a repair. SCS has taken the time to calculate all of the costs associated with running a service company and applies these costs to every repair you make. Our pricing includes things like training, average time considering fast and slow technicians and experience, overhead, inventory costs, vans, staff, phones, insurance, liabilities for each type of job and much more.

GLEEPS! Training DVDs – GLEEPS! is a customer service training program teaching soft skills specifically designed for the appliance repair industry. GLEEPS! Is a program to help your staff establish and build long-term relationships with customers. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression and GLEEPS! insures you take full advantage of every opportunity to do just that. These DVDs will help your techs and CSRs demonstrate professionalism by using valuable communication skills in dealing with your customers.

 To get your member discount, go to and click on the Appliance Blue Book Logo. Your USA discount will automatically be applied in the shopping cart.

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