Samsung Training in High Demand at ASTI 2013 Convention

By Nick Webert, Samsung Regional Technical Trainer

Samsung classSamsung was a very large presence at the 2013 ASTI/USA Convention held in Orlando, FL on March 6th and 7th.  The convention hosted about 600 technicians and business owners from all over North America.  Samsung held training classes on both laundry and refrigeration products. These classes were taught in four hour sessions, twice each day.

We are pleased to report that there was an enormous demand for Samsung product training and that more techs attended our training classes than the classes of any other manufacturer at the convention.  Samsung trained about 200 techs in those four classes, making many sessions standing room only.  Even with such a large number of attendees in each class, Samsung’s training surveys came back with the highest marks of the convention.

Samsung would like to thank all those who have attended our classes over the last couple of years for helping us sculpt our training skills.  Without your attendance and comments, we could have never raised our training skills to this level.  These skills resulted in Samsung receiving the ASTI/USA Partner award.  So when I say thank you, I also mean congratulations!  “Why congratulations?” you ask. Because you are part of the Samsung team, so the award belongs to you as much as us.

The ASTI Partner Award is bestowed on companies for excellence in technical and administrative training and for supporting ASTI/USA through information sharing and relationship building.   Samsung’s support has helped ASTI/USA grow into the largest appliance servicer organization in North America.

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