Next Peer Group Starting


We’ve made it a big part of our USA mission to connect and form ‘Peer Groups’ – small communities of servicers from non-competing markets who work together on improving their respective businesses.  Each group has it’s own rules and personality.  We connect them, but the end result comes from the collaboration of the members.

“Two years ago I was a 1-2 technician business and made the decision to grow my company. I turned to USA and their convention for the business and technical help and training that I needed. It was at that convention that I joined my peer group.
I was intrigued with the concept however somewhat skeptical at the time, as I am sharing my best practices and ideas with other service companies. I soon realized the concept was a great one as other companies in non-competing areas are also sharing their great ideas with me!
Thanks to the help from USA and my peer group, in two years time our company has more than doubled in gross sales. We opened a parts store and a new office last year and now have 9 employees, and we are currently looking for two more technicians.”
-David Smith, Owner of Dave Smith Appliance Services LLC

We’re about to launch the next peer group. If your’re interested in being a part of this phenomenal experience send an email to If you signed up at the ASTI there is no need to sign up again we’ll be contacting you this week.

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