Triacs Operation for Appliance Techs

By Samurai Appliance Repair Man, Triacs are used extensively in modern appliance control boards to control AC loads. Professional appliance repair technicians need to understand how triacs work and to know when they are controlling the power supply to the load they’re troubleshooting. In this article, I’ll show you how to identify a triac…

Realignment in the Appliance Industry

By Dean Landers, Landers Appliance, Don’t look now but our industry is changing and at a very rapid pace. At the time of writing this article, the Korean electronics company Samsung just announced the purchase of Dacor (Investopedia guesses the purchase price was $150 million), which causes my mind to spin as I think…

ioAST Opportunities

By Adam Butcher, Fred’s Appliance The Institute of Appliance Service Technicians has been working to improve the quality of appliance repair and service by testing and certifying appliance repair technicians. The Institute of Appliance Service Technicians strives to promote a high standard in appliance repair and service across all brands and designs and to protect…

Loose Electrical Connections and Heat

By Samurai Appliance Repair Man, We all know that loose electrical connections cause multiple problems in appliances, heat being the most common one. But why does this happen? And what are the other negative effects on the circuitry and other components of the appliance? With a little help from my trusty friend Ohm’s Law,…