Vulkan Lokring Hosts United Servicers Association Board Members

I want to give a big shout out to Bill Osborn and Jesse Alcala of Vulkan Lokring. Vulkan Lokring invited members of the United Servicers Association for training at their factory in Winter Haven, Florida. If you have never heard of Lokring, you will.


Domestic refrigerators will not be able to use R134 after 2020. This is just two short years away. The new refrigerant will be R600. R600 has been used for years in Europe and Asia. When North America switch refrigerant from R12 to R134, the rest of the world switched to R600. The benefit to R600 is it has a low environmental impact. R600 has  excellent thermodynamic performance. The main thing you need to know is, R600 is flammable. R600 is manufactured with Isobutane or butane for short. Since R600 is flammable, you will no longer be able to use torches on refrigerators manufactured with R600.

With this change of refrigerant on the horizon, all appliance manufacturers are starting to educate the industry on the refrigerant change. Many of the small refrigerators today are already being produced with R600. (Wine coolers, freezers, and 4.0 cubic foot refrigerators and smaller) Samsung is already selling select full size large refrigerators produces with R600.

Do not worry, Lokring offers the answer. Lokring is a coupling system that will allow you to connect the refrigeration lines without a flame. It can be used on any type of refrigerant and any type of refrigeration tubing, including copper, aluminum, and steel.  Installation is very easy. Here is a diagram to showing the four steps to use Lokring.

There are many benefits to the Lokring system.

1) No more flame in the home

2) No longer having to lug in heavy torches & recovery equipment

3) Technicians no longer having to learn how to braze

4) Will be able to connect aluminum to aluminum

5) No more melted refrigerator liners

Lokring has huge advantages for our industry. You do not need to wait to 2020 to start using the  Lokring system. You should start looking at purchasing the Lokring product today. Here are a couple of  videos that will help educate you on the Lokring product.

Lokring and R600 training will be offered on Sunday January 21, 2017 during the Annual Service Training Institute at the Tradewides Resort in sunny St. Petersburg Beach, FL. If you have not register yet, please register today at

Again I want to thank  Bill Osborn for offering the training to the United State Association members, and Jesse Alcala for the fantastic training on using the Lokring product and charging a R600 system. Our plan is to offer Vulkan Lokring training at our Regional Service Training Institutes that are held around the United States and Canada.

By: Lance Kimball









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