Does your service business have what it takes to be the United Servicers Association’s Most Professional Servicer?

By David Smith

The all-important first impression can make or break your customer service experience. In fact, without a good first impression you may not have a customer at all. An impressive professional website and social media, clean lettered trucks, and sharp looking technicians will attract new customers, and instill confidence in your service after the job is completed. This confidence will be appreciated by your employees as well. Shoe covers and tool matts that once were nice extras are now EXPECTED by many customers today.

Why Enter the Most Professional Servicer Contest?

You have spent time and money working on your marketing, your logo and appearance. Now is the time to show it off to your peers and leaders in our industry. This contest isn’t just for large, established companies. Whether you are a 1-man or a 100 man shop this contest is for you. Every year the United Servicers Association recognizes six appliance repair companies that exemplify professionalism in our industry. Three First Place winners are chosen in three categories based on company size:

1-2 technician shop       3-7 technician shop       8+ technician shop

As a winner, you’ll receive marketing materials to help promote your business and some great prizes.

  • 1st place winners receive one free full entry to the 2019 ASTI and 1 Year free USA Membership with full benefits.
  • Runners Up receive 1-year free USA Membership with full benefits
  • Winners receive a marketing support package including a branded press release, professional pictures of the award ceremony, and the MPS winner’s badge to use on technician uniforms and digital marketing.
  • All entrants will have exposure to industry leaders and business partners.
  • Bragging Rights!

Congratulations again to our 2017 award winners:

First Place Winners:

Blue Frog Appliance                       Castle Rock, CO.          1-2 Technician Category

Omega Force                                   Rogers, MN.                 3-7 Technician Category

Lake Appliance Repair                    Fair Oaks, CA.               8+ Technician Category

Runners Up:

Village Home Stores                        Geneseo, IL.                  1-2 Technicians

Neighborhood Appliance Repair   Johnston, RI.                 3-7 Technicians

Cody’s Appliance Repair                  Eagle, CO.                      8+ Technicians

The Most Professional Servicer Contest 2018 is now Open!

Entering the contest is easier than ever. Go to the USA website at:  Just enter your Name, Email, Telephone and Website. Volunteers are available to help you upload your pictures and links. Entering is now easier than ever.

Submit Your Entry Now is Less Than 1 Minute!

Hurry! Entry deadline is December15, 2017

Contest Rules: Entries will be judged by a panel of 5 industry judges and awarded points from 1-5 in the following 4 areas of their business:  Website, Truck Appearance, Technician Uniform, Social Media

The top two scoring companies in each category move to the semifinalist’s round. The Semi-finalists round will be held at the Appliance Service Training Institute in St. Pete Beach, FL. January 22 – 25, 2018. ASTI attendees will vote for their most professional entry in each category. The entry with the most peer votes in each category at the ASTI will be crowned the best of United Servicers Association at the United Servicers Awards Banquet on Thursday, January 24, 2018. Only one entry per service company allowed.

The contest is only open to domestic “Appliance” repair companies with service businesses operating in North America. Contestants do not have to be members of United Servicers Association or be present at the ASTI to win. By entering the contest, you agree to allow United Servicers Association to use your images in its marketing efforts for one year. Contestants must submit jpeg only images of: a) technician in uniform, b) Service vehicle, c) place of business if applicable, d) online “active” website and or images of their social media presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google + or blog. Lack of images in a, b, c or d will result in penalty points per scoring category.

Don’t have a website or logo? Lack of images or information does not automatically disqualify you from the contest! We encourage you to still enter; provide as much information as possible.

Enter to Win the 2018 Most Professional Servicers Award Today!

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