Classified Advertising Utilizing Focused Key Words

KeyBy Mark Maupin, Right Now Marketing

When person makes the decision to get into business for themselves, they usually do so with a new and innovative product or service (or they might just have a new spin on an existing product or service). In either case, any wise business owner knows that you don’t have to necessarily recreate the wheel to succeed. Most successful business owners innovate in their own ways, but follow many of the same business principles and methods that have worked for others before them. The most common tool used in the age of the internet is online marketing.

Marketing your business offerings online provides you with direct access to an unlimited viewing audience. A popular (and simple) method of advertising online is the use of classified advertisements. Working much the same way as the famous ads from printed papers, online classified ads can be posted completely free. Comparable ads in a printed paper can get very expensive.

Aside from the cost difference between newspaper classified ads and online classified ads, there are even more major points that differentiate the two types of ads. Online classified advertising has the ability to do what no printed paper has ever be capable of; website links. Not simply your web address printed on the ad, but a live link that allows the reader to tap or click on your ad – and be sent directly to your site for more information, or to even place an order. This is an excellent marketing advantage for the appliance service provider that decides to be more proactive.

The interactivity of online classified ads, allows the reader to make a decision & act on it Now rather than Later or NEVER.

Now that you understand the very cost-effective benefits of placing classified advertising online, you’ll want to get a clear understanding of what to do next. Though there are several online classified ad sites, you’ll want to make sure that you choose is one of the more popular and successfully trafficked sites. You can do this by playing around with a number of search terms that relate to your business. This will enable you to determine the sites that have the most heat – where your ads will be more likely to show up on the first page of major search engines like Google.

Once you’ve targeted your online classified websites, you’ll want to find out what the limits are per ad poster – and then post as many ads as you are allowed. Of course, you don’t want to simply re-post the same ad, so be sure to change your titles and content just a bit- so that your ads are not looked at as just cut and paste jobs. Remember that the wording of your ads is extremely important and vital to the success of your marketing campaign. Be sure to incorporate keywords and keyword phrases that are commonly searched for online. Often times this means just keeping in mind the common sense phrases that people actually use when doing a search. These keywords should be repeated a couple of times in the body of the ad (which should have a significant enough word count so that the keyword that you’re putting in the ad only is only equal to about 3% of the total amount of the ads word count).

If you want to replicate the successes in marketing that have gone before you; you’ll want to make sure that online classified ads are prominent in your marketing strategy. If you do what successful people do, you are quite simply multiplying your own odds of success.
You can call Mark Maupin of Right Now Marketing Group for any questions or additional info (248) 939-6232 or email him at Free training video on how to get low cost leads at

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