6 Customer Service Tips from Nationwide Inbound



Nationwide Inbound has been serving clients of all sizes since 1997. From day one our goal and driving force has been to assist businesses in providing their clients with the highest quality of customer support. Our experience provides us with unique insight and abilities to offer the most cost effective and efficient services!

Our clients represent a diverse group of businesses across many industries. Chances are we have worked with a business like yours and can provide guidance and suggestions to optimize your call center service.

Our solutions can be customized to meet your needs. We’re always up for a good challenge and our team is confident we can help you reach the next level of success!

Here are some tips from Nationwide Inbound on providing great customer service

6 Characteristics for Great Customer Service

To have success in any endeavor, you have to identify the essentials required to accomplish that feat. It’s the same in customer service.
What characteristics are essential in creating a great customer experience which will lead to maximum customer retention? Here you will find 6 characteristics that I feel are key.

1. Responsiveness

When customers call on the phone, enter your shop/office, email or web chat, how long does it take for you or your business to acknowledge them? As a consumer yourself you know that one of the most dreaded customer experiences is waiting to be serviced or just to be acknowledged!

How long are your customers waiting for service? When issues arise, how long does it take before the situation is addressed and a resolution is provided to the customer? The responsiveness clock starts ticking in your customer’s head as soon as they make initial contact.

2.   Courtesy

All customers deserve common courtesy even (or should I say especially) when they are angry or upset.  If there is one thing that we can all control is our ability to be kind and polite. Courtesy goes a long way with customers.  Tone of voice over the phone and body language also contribute to the courtesy factor. What score would your customer care representatives receive for courtesy?

3.  Reliability

Customers expect product/service providers to be dependable and accurate. For example; your home electricity – as long as you pay the bill you expect the lights to come on when you flip that switch.

Do your customers feel your organization is reliable?  Can your customers trust that you will do what you say you will do? These are important factors in providing a great customer experience.

4.  Competence

This key characteristic measures the knowledge and skill level of one’s product/services. If you were to survey your customer, would they say that the level of competency within your organization was high?

Internet access today allows customer to gain more knowledge about your and your competitor’s products/services. Once the interaction with your organization begins, will your customer know more about your products/services than your personnel in your organization?  Make sure that everyone within your organization is a product/service expert.

5. Credibility

Do your customers deem your organization as credible? This characteristic is a brand builder. Customers do business with those they trust.  Does your performance match what you claim? Does your organization deliver on its promises?

Taking the steps necessary to ensure credibility helps to create a reputation for believability. One action by an individual which puts your organization’s credibility into question can be a brand killer. Protect your organization’s future by insisting that everyone performs their duties in a manner that passes the credibility test.

6. Consistency

This is the glue that holds it all together. Consistency creates long term and repeat customers.  If your organization is consistently reliable, competent, responsive, courteous and credible, you’re probably providing many great customer experiences. The meaning of consistency is a “steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form.”  What that means for you is to establish a pattern of behavior within your organization.

The ability to intermittently exercise the five above characteristics will not help in your journey to provide great customer service, but when consistency is added long term retention is usually the result.

Again, Be Consistently Reliable, Competent, Responsive, Courteous and Credible. Exercising these characteristics will assist your organization in its mission to provide great customer experiences!

To learn more about great consistence customer service please visit www.nationwideinbound.com or call 866.698.4567 to discuss your needs with a representative.



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