Samsung Amazing Race

Samsung logoAt the 2014 ASTI held this month in San Diego attendees had the opportunity to compete for the fastest time to replace the door boot on a Samsung washer. The prizes were a 51 inch Samsung TV and a Samsung tablet. The contest was the center of the action and much fun was had by all contestants.

United Servicers Association would like to thank Nick Webert of Samsung for bringing this contest to life during the ASTI trade show. Mr. Webert & Samsung provided the washing machines, tool mats, 1st and 2nd place prizes, honorable mention prizes and good spirited fun for everyone to enjoy. A special thank you to Ed Cahill of Lowes for donating gift cards to award to the honorable mention competitors.

I enjoyed organizing and watching the competition; especially the rivalries, technicians from the same service companies, lady technician and everyone who put their game face on in an attempt to win the 51” Samsung Plasma T.V. or the Samsung tablet.
Thank you to all of the contestants of the Samsung Amazing Repair Race!
Samsung Amazing Repair Race Winners:

1st place – Dane Marcy : total time of 1:13 and earned 60 seconds of time reductions = 13 seconds final score/time. Dane won a 51” Plasma Samsung T.V. & a Samsung cell phone car charger

2nd place – J.R. Reinhardt : total time of 1:20 and earned 60 seconds of time reductions = 20 seconds final score/time. J.R. won a Samsung tablet & a Samsung cell phone car charger

Honorable Mention Winners:

Honorable mention – Josh Salovitz : total time of 1:23 and earned 60 seconds of time reductions = 23 seconds final score/time. J. won a Lowes $100.00 gift card, a meter & a Samsung cell phone car charger

Honorable mention – Scott McConnell : total time of 1:25 and earned 60 seconds of time reductions = 25 seconds final score/time. Scott won a Lowes $100.00 gift card & a Samsung cell phone car charger

Honorable mention – Richard Williscroft : total time of 1:33 and earned 60 seconds of time reductions = 33 seconds final score/time. Richard won a Samsung shirt & a Samsung cell phone car charger

Honorable mention – Chad Dennis : total time of 1:39 and earned 60 seconds of time reductions = 39 seconds final score/time. Chad won a Samsung shirt & a Samsung cell phone car charger

Jennifer Webert
United Servicers Association

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