Two USA members complete the SBA Emerging Leaders Program

SBA LogoUSA members, Jeff Dar in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Bob Wennerstrom in Bayfield, Colorado have successfully completed the program.  Both learned new business and leadership skills necessary to grow there business’s to new levels.  These two have taken what they have learned  from membership in the United Servicer Association and combined it to create three year growth plans.  Bob Wennerstrom from Bayfield, Colorado made the commitment to travel over an hour each way to attend class.  Congratulations to both.
I recommend to anyone wanting to improve the way they run their business to look for educational programs at local business development centers in their area; many are free or low cost.

The seven-month executive leader curriculum includes approximately 100 hours of classroom time per participant.   The SBA Emerging Leaders (e200) Initiative is a federal training initiative that specifically focuses on executives of businesses poised for growth in historically challenged communities. The initiative provides these executives with the organizational framework, resource network, and motivation required to build sustainable businesses and promote the economic development within urban communities.

For more information about Emerging Leaders, or to contact the respective local SBA District office in your area go to

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