New USA Logo Revealed

Learn More. Make More
Learn More. Make More

The new United Servicers Association brand mark uses two main elements. 

1. The logo is a strong swirling collaborative/community icon. The repeating circular shapes come together to represent the strong relationship between USA and its members by joining the association.

2. The typeface is classic and bold. It will stand the test of time and not be dated with design trends. It’s authoritative, easy to read and allows the focus to be on the logo after the words are read.

Color: The Darker solid blue color represents trust, being humble, & technology (staying current in the industry). Blue is refreshing, open to learning new things, honest and inspirational. Stainless steel/grey in the second half of the logo directly cues to the appliance repair industry. Grey is functional, purposeful, clever, punctual, considerate and modest. All attributes that help cue the many benefits of membership and the industry.

Tagline Rationale:

In the case of United Servicers Association, the “Big Idea” lies in the tagline, Know More. Make More. The tagline plays on the key benefit to joining United Servicers, which is running a better business to be more profitable. The tagline also cues to the membership base by suggesting membership best practices will be revealed providing many advantages to a member’s business. A responsibility comes along with this tagline: the association board needs to act with the understanding that they are providing relevant business strategies that will ultimately affect the bottom line. The tagline should be used by the board to provide the strategic direction for future initiatives.

Rationale for how we evolved logo:

We combined the bottom two finalists into one brand logo. We took the concept of the bottom left logo (five figures holding hands) and simplified it to four pieces without the heads. By reducing the total amount of elements in the logo, it focuses the viewers eye more on our name. We combined the rounded rectangular outside shape from the bottom right logo to contain the logo and make it work with embroidery applications and designs with dark or busy/photo backgrounds. We took the dark blue color from the top right logo.

Congratulations to USA Logo Contest Winner

Catie Bloom

AAA Appliance Service Center
8053 N. Milwaukee Ave
Niles, IL 60714

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