Appliance Repair Companies Find a New Revenue Source – RecallChek

By Andy Rucker, RecallChek,

When you compare an appliance repair company’s revenue and ability to connect with their clients to that of a heating and air contractor for instance, you find a significant disadvantage when it comes to revenue outside of the necessary repair itself.  The heating and air contractor can sell an electronic air filter as an upgrade to an existing unit, install a digital programmable thermostat, or even sign a client up for ongoing maintenance (aka “guaranteed future business”).

What is our upsell?  We’ve been seeking it for years, and now many in our industry have found it in RecallChek.

RecallChek is an online service where appliance repair companies can sell a report itemizing recalls and free repairs available to their clients.  It’s not a onetime thing either- every single month a newsletter goes out from your appliance repair company to all the clients you have on the service updating them about recalls, giving them maintenance tips, and encouraging them to come back to you for their next appliance repair need and to refer their friends.  You can sell it for $24.95-$39.95 or you can give it away to make your appliance repair service unique in your marketplace.  The cost is minimal- a few bucks an appointment- and it’s been proven to not only increase your service rates but also to increase the number of services you perform at the average service call.

Picture this- a client calls a couple of appliance repair outfits before calling yours.  You and those other two companies all have pretty close to the same service call fee, you sound professional on the phone, but you offer something different.  You say to the client, “We realize you have a choice in appliance repair, that’s why we give each and every one of our clients a free RecallChek report with every service call we perform…that way we can get you the free repairs you’re owed from the manufacturer due to fire and safety issues rather than charging you for the repair when it breaks later.”

You offer something different than everyone else in the market, and as a result you get the service call.

Now let’s take ourselves to the point of service.  Usually we go in, find the problem, offer to fix it for a fee, and leave.  With RecallChek, we go in, diagnose the problem, offer to fix it for a fee, and then go on to take down the model numbers from the other appliances and explain what we’re doing as we do it.  Not only does this take any awkwardness out of the situation, it immediately shows the client the kind of professionals you and your service techs are.  Not only do you get the approval to move ahead with the repair more often, it also results in more work.  The homeowner will say, as you pull the model number from the oven, “I forgot you worked on ovens, you know it’s been overcooking my food lately.”  You happen to have a thermostat on the truck…imagine that.

Besides that, this client is now on your email list forever with their monthly RecallChek newsletter, complete with your phone number and link to your website, and a database you can access at any time with a complete listing of all of your clients’ appliances by make and model number- saving you time on orders in the future.  It’s a no-brainer, and it will soon be an industry standard.

Contact Andy Rucker at RecallChek by calling 1-800-544-8156 or email him for more information on how you can become an authorized RecallChek dealer today.


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Clay Brian says:

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  2. Oven Repairs says:

    It is very helpful post for me. Keep posting..

  3. elinabynes says:

    Its always been hard if you don’t know how to repair your appliances, that is why its better that you know everything in the house..i am glad that their are some blogs who shares a great information’s..

    Appliance Maintenance Cincinnati

  4. I am forwarding this to my field service manager.

    Very interesting upsell potential *and* customer peace of mind.

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